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  主页 » 圣经灵修 » 周一吗哪 - 2013年 第十四週



By Rick Boxx



第一、 他们享受在被委任的工作中。





数千年前,所罗门王在传道书写到:“神赐人资财丰富,使他能以吃用,能取自己的分,在他劳碌中喜乐,这乃是 神的恩赐。

本 文版权为正直资源中心(Integrity Resource Center, Inc.)所有。本文获得授权改编自“瑞克.博克思的正直时刻Integrity Moments with Rich Boxx”。这系列的文章是以一个基督徒的观点评论职场的正直议题。想要更多了解正直资源中心或想要收到电子文件的“瑞克每天的正直时刻Rick’s daily Integrity Moments”系列文章,请上网。他的书“如何生意兴隆而不牺牲正直”提供人们正直地作生意的方 法。

  1. 你如何定义“快乐的员工”
  2. 工作的场合里,什么是决定你有多快乐的因素?你喜欢自己的工作吗?你觉得自己在做最拿手的事吗
  3. 得你的公司或是组织是否关心员工的快乐和情绪的健全呢?你觉得最基本应该要做到什么程度呢
  4. 否同意所罗门王所说:“能接受自己的命运和享受工作的人是神所赐的福”理由是什么

By Rick Boxx

An organization called “Delivering Happiness at Work” had some great insights that were outlined in a Wall Street Journal article about happy employees. A study it conducted has discovered happy, content employees have 31% higher productivity, 37% higher sales, and are three times more creative.

Although the research did not make this conclusion, employee attendance levels likely would also be higher and absentee levels lower when they feel happy and fulfilled in the work they perform.

This survey identified three major factors involved in having happy employees within an organization:
  1. People need to enjoy the tasks required of them.
  2. They need to be able to focus on the things they do best.
  3. They need to be proud of their employer.
Based on this research, it would seem that if you want to foster higher productivity, it would be advisable to know and care about your employee's strengths and passions. A passage from the Bible, although it seems directed to an agrarian context, applies well in this regard: “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds” (Proverbs 27:23).

Trying to implement the three factors cited above would be a good first step. We could learn more specifically how to fulfill these needs by soliciting suggestions from them, or conducting small group meetings where their ideas are welcomed and thoughtfully considered.

But employee happiness and contentment should involve more than a desire to improve the company’s bottom line. Striving to establish a work environment that is conducive to happy workers is also the right thing to do.

Consider if roles were reversed – that your employees, or the people who report to you, were instead the employer and you were reporting to them. How would you want to be treated? What kind of working environment would you desire to have provided for you? In what is often referred to as his “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus told his followers, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12).

Often we presume workers are motivated primarily by financial compensation and other tangible benefits. However, employees that prove to be the most valuable, the ones most likely to remain high contributors to the company, are those that also derive intangible benefits such as feeling happy, fulfilled and appreciated for the work they do.

Thousands of years ago, King Solomon of Israel made this observation in Ecclesiastes 5:19 – “When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work – this is a gift of God."

Copyright 2013, Integrity Resource Center, Inc. Adapted with permission from "Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx," a commentary on issues of integrity in the workplace from a Christian perspective. To learn more about Integrity Resource Center or to sign up for Rick’s daily Integrity Moments, visit His book, How to Prosper in Business Without Sacrificing Integrity, gives a biblical approach for doing business with integrity.

Reflection/Discussion Questions
  1. How would be your definition of a “happy employee”?
  2. What are specific factors that determine or affect your own level of happiness where you work? Do you feel you enjoy most of the tasks you are asked to do, and are empowered to focus on the things you do best? Explain your answer.
  3. Do you believe your company or organization is intentionally concerned about the happiness and emotional well-being of its employees? What is the basis for your response?
  4. Do you agree with the quotation from King Solomon, that for someone being able to accept their lot in life and enjoy their work is a gift from God? Why or why not?
NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more about this subject, consider the following passages: Proverbs 21:5, 22:29, 27:18, 28:19; Ephesians 6:5-9; Colossians 3:17,23


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